Tuesday, July 19, 2011

no rest apart from redemption in Christ – R. Kent Hughes

“Trust in Him (Jesus Christ) is what gives rest to our souls. True faith is belief plus trust. When you truly trust in Christ as Savior, rest comes because the burden of your sins is lifted. You rest from your works. And because you are in Christ you enter the Sabbath rest of God. You know that He is your Creator and Redeemer.

Everyone who has truly come to Christ has experienced that rest. All the impossible striving to gain salvation was then over. You rested in Christ, not in yourself. The burden of guilt was lifted. Your soul was light with rest.

And now as a believer the principle is: the more trust, the more rest. Our belief or unbelief makes all the difference…Resting is trusting. Believer, you can have perpetual rest by resting in Him…

St. Augustine said, “Our hearts are restless ‘til they find their rest in Thee.” He knew from experience that life apart from Christ is striving, that men and women will remain restless regardless of what they attain or obtain in this world. You will never find rest apart from redemption in Christ.
But when you come to Him in faith as your Creator and Redeemer, you find a Sabbath rest for your soul – His own rest that He has enjoyed from creation…”

R. Kent Hughes, Genesis: Beginning and Blessing (Preaching the Word)

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