Saturday, May 15, 2010

a ground and a warrant to preach the Gospel to every human creature - John Newton

“That there is an election of grace, we are plainly taught; yet it is not said, “that Jesus Christ came into the world to save” the elect, but that he came to save, “sinners,” to “seek and to save them that are lost.” Upon this ground, I conceive that ministers have a warrant to preach the Gospel to every human creature, and to address the conscience of every man in the sight of God; and that every person who hears this Gospel has thereby a warrant, an encouragement, yea, a command, to apply to Jesus Christ for salvation; and that they who refuse, thereby exclude themselves, and perish, not because they never had, nor possibly could have, any interest in his atonement, but simply because they will not come unto him that they might have life.”

- John Newton, sermon “The Lamb of God, the great Atonement”

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