Sunday, July 5, 2009

"The cross is the school of orthodoxy" - C.H. Spurgeon

“if you want to be kept right and sound in the faith, the first thing is to get the right subject fixed in the center of your hearts- Jesus Christ crucified. Paul says that he preached that. He set Jesus forth. Whatever else he might not have made clear, he did set forth the person and work of Jesus Christ. Beloved, settle this in your soul, that your sole hope and the main subject of your meditation shall always be Jesus Christ. Whatever I do not know, O my Lord, help me to know Thee. Whatever I do not believe, enable me to believe Thee, and to trust Thee, and to take Thy every word as the very truth of God. Beloved, away with the religion that has little of Christ in it. Christ must be Alpha and Omega, first and last. The religion that is made up of our doings and our feelings and our willings is a falsehood. Our religion must have Christ for the foundation, Christ as the cornerstone, Christ as the topstone; and if we are not based and bottomed, grounded and settled upon him, our religion is vain...The cross is the school of orthodoxy. Endeavour to keep there."

- Charles Spurgeon

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