Thursday, July 9, 2009

“a test whether you’re well learned in God’s Word” - John Calvin

“Many will brag that they be well learned in God’s Word: but the true trial to know whither [whether] it be so or no, is if we perceive how great need we have, that God should pour out his mercy upon us, to succor us by drawing us out of the gulf of Hell, and thereupon conclude that we cannot be cleansed and washed from any of all our spots, but by the blood of God’s son: nor obtain righteousness but by the obedience that he hath yielded: nor have any satisfaction for us but by the sacrifice that he hath offered: nor come in God’s favor but by his means: nor open our mouths to call upon him but by his intercession. Therefore when we be thoroughly persuaded of the gracious benefits that are brought us by the son of God: then may we say we have some understanding in the Gospel: but without that, we have nothing but imagination and folly. Mark that for one point.”

- John Calvin

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